Friday, March 24, 2006

In Search ..

It was sometime in late summer - early fall 0f 2001 that I took my first tentative steps into the world of Amateur astronomy. Soon I realised my high-school dream of owning a telescope, listening to geeks and felt a belonging to an elitilist society. And so the passion grew, slowly but steadily, into an obsession that is yet unrealised to the fullest - Establishing an organization called OASIS - Observational Asteroid Search In Space.
Soon I came to know that finding asteroids and near earth objects isn't really hard, just discovering new ones is! And it was in that pursuit, that I came across and met the only Indian (Asian) to have discovered asteroids - Vishnu Vardhan Reddy. And also during these days that I got involved the Naperville Astronomical Association. All amateur astronomers can relate when I say this requires a lot of dedication, but once hooked on to the hobby, it just sucks one in like a black-hole.
I had some really nice experiences of astronomical observations that I've put in my website. There is a lot more to share but this being my first posting since I started blogging, felt I should start with one of my favorite activities of leisure - amateur astronomy. More when I get my thoughts together again and the patience to put them down.. so long.


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